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The rise of industrial tablets in the medical industry


The rise of industrial tablets in the medical industry

Today, the medical industry is rapidly moving towards a digital platform. New compliance laws and other regulatory requirements, as well as recurring maintenance costs, have brought new challenges to healthcare and medical information growth. From cloud computing-based medical records to bedside care monitoring terminals, Higole's Tablet PC can provide hospitals and medical centers with the most reliable medical technology equipment terminals on the market.

Higole medical tablet

Mobile terminals have brought the fun of technology to consumers, so is there room for development and improvement in the field of professionals? According to the United States Knowledge Networks survey report on the medical field, 27% of the 5,400 interviewed doctors have a tablet computer. At the same time, the US QuantiaMD website survey report also shows that among the 4000 interviewed, nearly one-third of physicians use tablet computers as a tool for drug inquiries, access to patient treatment records, and communication with patients. Obviously, the tablet computer has become a necessary tool in the field of medical care. Looking at China, according to the current medical and health industry in China, there are about 6.5 million practitioners. Although the mobile phone and tablet market of mass consumers cannot be underestimated, competitors are emerging in an endless stream, and they are also embarking on the road of no return to hardware and price comparison. , Can this professional medical electronics market to be developed also be ignored? So, how to develop a tablet designed for medical staff? Let us start with the development of "professional mobile medical".

The traditional way of fixed deployment of computers has limitations, which restricts hospital informatization to play a greater role. The wireless network has the characteristics of terminal mobility, flexible and convenient access, etc., and has been deployed on a large scale in more and more hospitals. It breaks the limitations of traditional wired deployment. Smart mobile terminals can play an important role in the following aspects: barcode patient identity management, mobile medical advice, diagnosis and treatment sign entry, mobile drug management, mobile medical specimen management, mobile medical record management, etc.

Higole's Tablet PC adopts Windows operating system with good compatibility, which can be used for electronic medical records, diagnosis and treatment management, image workflow, CPOE, medical sales support and electronic prescription, and smart mobile terminals can play an important role in the following aspects: barcode Medical patient identity management, mobile medical advice, diagnosis and treatment sign entry, mobile drug management, mobile physical examination specimen management, mobile medical record management, etc., and Higole's medical tablet is suitable for schools, justice (prisons, reeducation through labor), public security, and armed police , Firefighting, military, athletes, the main applications are psychological consultation, medical and other industries, psychological decompression, emotional relaxation, daily decompression, state motivation and psychological recovery training, etc.